Out with the old, in with the “new”

Anum Hashim
2 min readJan 1, 2017

Hellooo 2017!
So it’s that time of year again, where resolutions are made, some that’ll come to fruition, and others will be broken. Every year, I’ve made some resolutions, mostly around losing weight, passing an exam, progressing in my career. But for the first time, this year as early as Jan 1 I’d describe my year as #newyearsameme (and yes I realize hashtags are not meant for writing essays).

The last few days I’ve thought long and hard about what I would resolve to do in 2017… 2016 was not a bad year for me personally by any means, I have a steady job, I moved to a new apartment, I am more in love than ever before. Yes, I could’ve been healthier, I could’ve been more social and I wish the world hadn’t seen so much darkness. But I have always seen myself as a driven individual; someone who sets goals and works hard to achieve them, even if I have to make sacrifices along the way. But I’m beginning to realize, I was driven only when it came to academics and career; when it came to those two aspects I knew exactly what steps I needed to take to get to where I am today. But along the way, I forgot to take a look at what happens when I’ve reached that last goal — getting my designation. So now, it’s been 6 months since I’ve reached that goal, with zero idea of where to go next, so I guess I’ll sit still.

The worst part is, being still isn’t a bad place to be relatively at least. I should be thankful for all that I have been blessed with. I might even fall into that “entitled millennial” category that seems to have plagued my generation (but that’s a discussion for another time). But the reality is, what is wrong with wanting more than what you have? It is the same force that drives the world forward, the same force that questions the status quo and maybe even paves the path for the better.

So I sit here, knowing I need to make some resolutions, to drive myself forward. But still coming up blank. Some would suggest that is not a bad problem to have. If I can’t think of things I want to resolve to do especially in regards my career, things are good. Maybe I should take it as a lesson, and 2017 should be the year I resolve to be thankful for all that I have. To savor being 26 (and debt-free), having few responsibilities and selfishly choosing what it is that I want to do.



Anum Hashim

Finance professional / CPA on a break from corporate life. I write about money, productivity and life as a content creator.